

Petunia Dwarf Compact Mix (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Dwarf Compact Red (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Dwarf Compact Red Star (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Dwarf Compact Rose (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Dwarf Compact White (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Multiflora Hybrid Double Mixed (0,05 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Petunia Pendula Mix (0,6 g)

Sowing period: Spring.

Phlox Drummondii Large Flowered Mixed (2 g)

Sowing period: In a seedbed in February-March to be replanted in the ground in May if temperatures reach 18-20 °C

Pickling Cucumber SMR 58 (10 g)

Small-sized fruits. Suitable for storage in brine.

Pop Corn Palomitas AP8202 (6 g)

Variety that produces 20-25 cm. long corncobs. Ideal for popcorn.

Portulaca Double Mix (0,65 g)

Sowing period: Direct sowing in April-May.

Portulaca Simple Variada (1 g)

Sowing period: Direct sowing in April-May.

Pumkin Mammoth Gold (6g)


Pumpkin Butternut (10 g)

This variety produces cylindrical, long fruits that are swollen at the tip. Its skin is smooth and medium-green speckled with yellow. The flesh is yellow-orange. It is used in soups and vegetable stir fries.

Pumpkin Butternut (10 g)

This variety produces cylindrical, long fruits that are swollen at the tip. Its skin is smooth and medium-green speckled with yellow. The flesh is yellow-orange. It is used in soups and vegetable stir fries.

Pumpkin Dulce de Horno (6 g)

Large fruit that can reach 10 to 14kg, with a dark greenish bark, very warty and flattened, with orange flesh. Cultivation. In deep and rich soil. Maintain constant moisture, but without excess. Sowing. Direct sowing from February to June

Pumpkin Dulce de Horno (NOT AVAILABLE) (6 g)

Large fruit that can reach 10 to 14kg, with a dark greenish bark, very warty and flattened, with orange flesh. Cultivation. In deep and rich soil. Maintain constant moisture, but without excess. Sowing. Direct sowing from February to June

Pumpkin Mammoth Gold (6 g)

Orange pumpkin, with an ideal size and shape for decorative use at Halloween. Cultivation. In deep and rich soil. Maintain constant moisture, but without excess. Sowing. Direct sowing from February to June

Radish Dátil Rojo - Gavá (20 g)

Radip maturity. Cylindrical red root. Very tender flesh. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish De Dix - Huit Jours (20 g)

Long red root with white tip. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish Largo Rojo Murciano (20 g)

Long red root with white flesh. Lovely taste, a bit spicy. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish Medio-Largo Rojo Punta Blanca - Cumbre (20 g)

Cylindrical root. Red with white tip. Mild, not very spicy taste. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish Redondo Rojo - Vermell (20 g)

Few leaves, red globe root. Firm flesh. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish Redondo Rojo - Vermell (Seed Tapes) (5 meters seed tapes)

Variety with small, sparse leaves, early. The root is globular, red, with a diameter and height of 2-4 cm. Compact flesh.

Radish Redondo Rojo - Vermell ECO (5 g)

Few leaves, red globe root. Firm flesh. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Radish Redondo Rojo Punta Blanca - Iceberg (20 g)

Red globe root with white tip. Great keeper. They are typically eaten raw, but can also be cooked.

Red Beet Aplastada de Egipto (13 g)

Flat round variety. Tasty red flesh.

Red Beet Detroit 2 (13 g)

Oval root with red skin. Dark red flesh.

Red Cabbage Tête Noire 3 (8 g)

Vegetable with compact leaves of a distinctively intense purple color. Sowing. In seedbeds. Replanting. When the plants reach 15cm to a cold frame of 70x60cm, choosing the most homogeneous plants. Fertilizing. Nutritional balance 1-2-2

Red Habanero pepper (3 g)

Hot pepper, habanero type, to be harvested in red. Sowing in spring, harvest in summer. 3-4 cm long fruits and thin pedicel

Rocket Sativa (5 g)

Rocket is of the brassica family and is cultivated for the leaves used especially in salads.

Rocket Sativa (Seed Tapes) (5 meters seed tapes)

Very rustic plant with very few diseases or plagues. Easy to grow.

Romanesco Broccoli (4 g)

Romanesco broccoli is made up of a set of bouquets in a pyramidal structure and in the shape of a small tower, with clusters of flowers that make it unique. Sowing. In shaded seedbed. Replanting. To a cold frame of 80x70cm using plants of homogenous growth. Fertilizing. Nutritional balance 1-2-2

Rosemary Común (0,2 g)

Woody, evergreen shrub with leaves that are slightly rolled up at the brims and with hair on the reverse. It has striking, small, blue flowers that we can find in the spring and until June, and even in autumn depending on environmental conditions.
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