

Cauliflower Premiá (4 g)

Tall variety with top leaves covering the head. Large, fine white head.

Celery pascal

Erect variety, thick stems, little etiolation, height of 60 cm, with abundant green foliage. Wide, full stem, good for raw consumption and with a green color that becomes white when deprived of light. Sow by broadcasting seed, burying only superficially. Transplant to rows 70 cm apart, leaving 20 cm between plants within the same row when they have...

Celery Plein Blanc Doré Chemin 3 (3 g)

70 cm tall, with yellow-green starks, sweet and crunchy. It can be eaten raw.

Celery Verde Pascal (3 g)

60 cm high. Abundant green foliage. It can be eaten raw.

Celosia Plumosa Variada (2 g)

Sowing period: In March directly in the ground or in a seedbed to be replanted in May.


Annual herbaceous plant, about 40 cm high, with numerous flowers made up of yellow capitulums and white bracts. The leaves are very divided and linear, of an intense green

Chamomile Camomila (1 g)

Annual herbaceous plant, about 40 cm high, with numerous flowers made up of yellow capitulums and white bracts. The leaves are very divided and linear, of an intense green.

Chard penca blanca

Variety with large, deep green, abundant leaves, some ruffed, with a white petiole, thick and tender. Good resistance to bolting. Sow in rows 50 cm apart with 10 cm between plants within the same row. Plant at depth of 10 to 15 mm. Thin plants to a distance of 20 cm within the same row. Fertilize with a 1-2-2 mixture.

Chicory Palla Rossa 3 (6 g)

Variety with red leaves, white and wide central nerve. Long concave leaves with smooth edges.

Chicory Witloof Mechelsen Middlevroef (8 g)

Perennial plant, with leaves slightly lobe-shaped and which make up a rosette, and with a well developed root. It flowers in its second year with blue capitulums.

Chives Anual (2 g)

Perennial plant with small, tubular leaves, and it forms underdeveloped bulbs. The rosy inflorescence are very striking.

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum Alaska (3 g)

Sowing period: Spring.
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